Orders API errors

The entries in the table below define errors you may encounter while using the orders API. These entries are ordered alphabetically by error message.



Address 1 for delivery address cannot be empty

The Address 1 field in your request is empty. Input the customer's address in the deliveryInfo.address1 field.

Customer first name cannot be empty

Add a value the customer.firstName field.

Customer phone cannot be empty

Add a value to the customer.phone field.

EITHER (startDate and endDate) OR businessDate is required

Input both a start date and end date or a business date to your request.

Input startDate must be before endDate

Check the startDate and endDate values throughout your request and ensure that the startDate time stamps occur before the endDate time stamps.

Item ({item GUID}) does not belong to the group ({item group GUID})

A menu item in your request does not belong to the referenced menu group. Update the menu item's menuGroups. You can find menuItems and menuGroups values by submitting a GET request to the /menus/v2/menus endpoint.

Referenced entity (type=Discount) must contain a GUID

The discount in your request requires a GUID. You can find discount GUIDs by sending a GET request to the /config/v2/discounts endpoint.

Referenced entity (type=MenuItem) must contain either a GUID or MultiLocationId

Your request contains a menu item entry that is missing a GUID or a multilocationId. You can find The GUID and multilocationId values by submitting a GET request from the appropriate menu endpoint. For more information see devGuide

Restaurant({restaurant GUID}) has been deleted

The restaurant GUID that you are using in your order request refers to a restaurant that's been deleted. Stop all API requests to this restaurant.