Discount configuration reference

The following tables describe the fields that are displayed on the discount configuration page.

Top-level fields

At the top of the discount configuration page are the following fields, which apply to all discounts.

Basic option

Settings and description

Name of discount

Sets the name of the discount.

The name is used on the discount button on the Toast POS app (unless overridden by the POS Name option) and on sales reports.

Number of discount

The identifier of the discount. The number is generated when you create the discount. It is not editable.

Next to the discount number is the Copy option, which allows you to create a copy of the current discount. See Copying discounts.

For restaurants that use the multi-location module, the discount number is a multi-location ID that the Toast platform uses to determine versions for all of the restaurant locations. You use the New Version option to create a new version of the discount. For details about managing versions, see Creating a version of a configuration entity.

Require manager permission for reward redemptions

This option displays only if Permissions Level in Advanced Settings is set to Manager.

Specifies whether a manager's permission is required to apply third-party (non-Toast) rewards that are linked to this discount.

For details, see Determining who can apply a discount.


Only displays for restaurants that use the multi-location module.

Determines the restaurant or group that the discount applies to.

For details, see Discount configurations for multi-location restaurants.


Only displays for restaurants that use the multi-location module.

Determines the restaurant or group that can configure the discount.

For details, see Discount configurations for multi-location restaurants.

Discount type

Specifies the discount type:

  • Fixed $ Off

  • Fixed % Off

  • Open $ Off

  • Open % Off

  • Buy One Get One

  • Combo

Type-specific fields for discounts

When you select the discount type, type-specific fields are displayed below the Discount type option.

Fields for fixed and open amount and percent discounts

The following fields display when you set Discount Type to one of the fixed or open amount or percent discount types. See Configuring fixed or open amount or percent discounts.

Fixed discount option

Settings and description


Displays next to the type field for fixed currency amount and fixed percent discounts.

For fixed currency amount discounts, specify the currency amount to discount from the check.

For fixed percent amount discounts, specify the percent amount (up to 100%) to discount the check.

Applies to

How to apply the discount to the check:

  • Any item: The discount applies to any item on the check. No other required item configuration is needed.

  • Entire check: The discount applies to the entire check. Optionally, the discount can be configured so that the check must have one or more required items and/or groups before the discount can apply.

  • Specific item/group: The discount is applied to the specified menu items and/or groups before the discount applies.

Discount will apply to all items except the following items/groups

For Applies to=Entire Check discounts that are not bulk discounts, when you select this check box, you can specify menu items, menu groups, or menus to exclude from the discount.

See Excluding items from a check-level discount.

Check must include one of the following items/groups

For Applies to=Entire Check discounts, when you select this check box, you can specify required items for the discount.

The required items must be on the check in order for the discount to apply.


For Applies to=Specific item/group discounts, this section allows you to specify the required items for the discount.

The required items must be on the check in order for the discount to apply.

BOGO discount fields

The following fields are displayed when you select BOGO as the discount type. See Configuring a BOGO discount.

There are also BOGO-specific fields in the Advanced Settings section.

BOGO option

Settings and description

Buy Items - Applies to

The Applies to option determines the buy item type:

  • Any item: The discount applies to any menu item on the check. No other required item configuration is needed.

  • Specific item/group: The check must have one or more required items before the discount applies.

Get Items - Applies to

The Applies to option determines the get item type:

  • Any item: The get item can be any menu item on the check. No other required item configuration is needed.

  • Specific item/group: The check must have one or more required items before the get item applies.

Get Items - Discount

Configures the discount for the get item:

  • The amount to discount.

  • Whether the discount amount is a Currency ($) amount or a Percentage (%) amount.

  • How to select which eligible get item to discount.

Combo discount fields

The following fields display when you set Discount type to Combo. See Configuring a combo discount.

There are also a combo-specific field in the Advanced Settings section.

Combo option

Settings and description


Sets the price of the combo.


Configures the required items for the discount.

The required items must be on the check in order for the discount to apply.

Promo codes

The Promo codes section contains the list of promo codes for the discount. For details, see Requiring promo codes for discounts.


The Availability section allows you to configure the dates, days of the week, and times when a discount is available. For details, see Setting the availability date range for a discount.

Availability option

Settings and description

Dates Available

Sets a date range when the discount is available for use.

If no date range is configured, the discount is always available, unless there are restrictions based on the days of the week or hours.

Days of the Week Available

Sets the days of the week when the discount is available for use.

You must select at least one day.

Hours Available

Sets one or more hour ranges when the discount is available.

If no hour range is configured, the discount is available at any time of the day, except for restrictions based on the date range or days of the week settings.

Advanced settings

Advanced settings option

Settings and description

POS Name

An alternate, shortened name of the discount, used as the text for the discount button on the Toast POS app.

Permissions Level

Specifies who can apply the discount on the Toast POS app.

Either any user can apply the discount, or only a manager can apply the discount.

For details, see Determining who can apply a discount.

Allow with other discounts

Allows a check-level or BOGO discount to apply with other discounts.

For details, see Exclusive and nonexclusive discounts.

Required Min/Max Check Amount

Sets minimum and maximum check thresholds. The discount is applied only if the pre-tax total on the check meets the thresholds.

For details, see Configuring required minimum and maximum check totals.

Auto apply discount

Only configurable for discounts that are eligible to be auto-applied.

Configures the discount to automatically apply to a check.

For details, see Automatically applying discounts.

Discount Reasons

Used to allow restaurant employees to select a discount reason when they apply a discount.

You first select the available discount reasons for the discount.

You then choose whether to prompt for a discount reason. If you prompt for a discount reason, you can also require a discount reason and an additional comment.

For details, see Requiring a discount reason for a discount.

Total Quantity

Only displays for combo discounts that are not bulk discounts.

The number of times that a combo discount can be applied to an order.

For details, see Configuring a combo discount.

Required # of Buy Items

Only displays for BOGO discounts.

The minimum number of buy items that the check must have before the bulk discount can apply.

For details, see Configuring a BOGO discount.

Eligible # of Get Items

Only displays for BOGO discounts

The maximum number of get items that are included in the discount.

For details, see Configuring a BOGO discount.

Bulk Discount

Only displays for discounts that are eligible to be bulk discounts.

Configures the discount as a bulk discount. For a bulk discount, you also configure the minimum and maximum number of eligible items that the discount is applied to.

For details, see Bulk discounts.