Discount types

When you add a discount, you select the discount type:

Discount type field with the drop-down list of available types.

The Toast platform supports the following types of discounts.

Fixed and open currency amount and percent discounts

You can configure discounts that reduce the price of a check or an item by either a specific currency amount or by a specific percent. The currency amount or percent value is either configured in the discount, or set by the restaurant employee when they apply the discount.

  • A fixed amount discount (Fixed $ Off) reduces the price of a check or item by a preconfigured currency amount.

  • A fixed percent discount (Fixed % Off) reduces the price of a check or item by a preconfigured percent.

  • An open amount discount (Open $ Off) reduces the price of a check or item by a currency amount that a restaurant employee chooses.

  • An open percent discount (Open % Off) reduces the price of a check or item by a percent that a restaurant employee chooses.

For information about configuring fixed and open discounts, see Configuring fixed or open amount or percent discounts.

BOGO discounts

A BOGO (Buy One Get One) discount applies to certain menu items in a check when other menu items are also selected in the same check.

For example, you might configure a discount that reduces the price of a bottled drink if a guest also purchases two large pizzas. If a guest buys two large pizzas, the guest gets a bottled drink for 50% less than the normal price.

A BOGO discount includes one or a combination of required items (also referred to as buy items) and discounted items (also referred to as get items).

Diagram that shows buy items and get items for a BOGO discount.

For more information on configuring BOGO discounts, see Configuring a BOGO discount.

Combo discounts

You can configure combo discounts that apply to one or a combination of required items in a check. A combo discount reduces the price of all the required items to a set currency amount.

For example, you might configure a discount that applies to the combination of a lunch salad and a fountain drink. That combo discount might reduce the price of both items to a total of $7.00.

For more information on configuring combo discounts, see Configuring a combo discount.